Jun 18, 2012

Onshore fun..

Yesterday we went for a quick windsurf -session at one of my all-time favourite spots : Blåvand..
The weather forecast had been looking really good all week , sunday morning they changed it sligthly but we decided to give it a go. Rumours were that Rømø a bit further south was going of.
When we arrived at the beach the wind was pretty onshore and only a few surfers were out.
The wind did swing a bit more sideshore, but to be honest is was rather onshore the intire time. I was on my 5,1 and my trusted tabou twinser,( more on that here )

I had a blast allthough the conditions weren't really that great. The sun was out  and for the first time windsurfing this year, I wasn't cold at all...
It was perfect for a little jumping and for practising som backside riding..

I will be postinf a spotguide of Blåvand sometime this week..
Kent is always out there

This gives a nice impression of the conditons , nice steep ramps here and there


Braveheart did find a few ramps

A few go pro shot, experimenting with a few new angles..
Backside hit
Going frontside
I do love going frontside even when its dead onshore..

Air time..
Little tabletop

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