Apr 1, 2013

New Toy

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March started out great with a few nice sessions but develpoed in to being the coldest march month in allmost 30 years, as I am writing this there is still snow on my porch.
So I decided to escape to somewhere a little warmer over Easter. I ended up spending 10 great days with the family in NIce at the beautiful mediterranian coastline. The weather was great as was the food, no waves or wind to be seen though.
I brougth home with me a  brand new Gong Sup board, wich I am very eager to try out.
It measures 6'11 x 30' , volumen : 115 l
Having it in hand it seams ridicously tiny..
I am 6 feet (185cm) my self and weigh around 85 kg ( probably more at the moment after eating french pastry for 10 days straigth. )

Let me introduce you to Faking 6'11

5 fin option

Still need to work out a pad ..

Nice and handy
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  1. Hej Niels
    Den har næsten samme outline som min forhåbentlig kommende Blackbox, jeg har lige fået at vide at de skubber leveringen til start maj og ikke midt april som først var planen. Stort tillykke med din nye wave SUP

    Hilsen Kasper

  2. ja "Short & Fat" er det nye sort ;-) . jeg glæder mig rigtig meget til at se din (og teste) din Black Box !

  3. Niels
    Did you really get the "boot" from the Zone????
    Holy crap... that sucks!!!
    That should have never happened. I enjoyed your posts and input. Several of us are working on a "cure" for the Admin.... but he seems pretty aloof to the problem he is creating. His reasoning is sound... it's his practice that needs to exercise some wiggle room. I never believed that any of you were there solely to promote this board or that.

    Be well my friend

    1. Thanks Creek.. I was like Colas banned from the "zone". I wrote an email to admin and tried to clear out the situation , i apologised even though I did not feel that I had done anything wrong. I am now back in! but my motivation for posting isn´t really high. Colas is still banned to my knowledge, I am sure a lot of people will miss his great knowledge in short board suping..
      Thanks for stoping by :-)
